17/05/2022 : Webinar - Tips & Tricks Near Real Time Detection of Unknows

During this FREE webinar, we will focus on the recon phase of the hazmat/CBRN incident and the use of colorimetric papers, electrochemical detectors, photoionization detectors, and flame spectrophotometry to help detect and classify unknown substances.
During this FREE webinar, we will focus on the recon phase of the hazmat/CBRN incident and the use of colorimetric papers, electrochemical detectors, photoionization detectors, and flame spectrophotometry to help detect and classify unknown substances.
In a Risk-Based Response posture, detectors are used to inform decisions about PPE selection, sheltering and evacuation, decontamination, and more. During the initial phase of the incident, it is important to quickly rule in/out flammability, corrosivity, and toxicity. Following this course, personnel should be able to quickly (less than 5 minutes) classify the threat to inform on-scene decisions using the flow diagrams provided.
For our US-based partners, the course will cover many of the didactic portions of the OSHA 1910.120(c) and NFPA 470 competencies within sections 8.7/9.7 (8.7 Hazmat Operations - Mission Specific Competencies: Detection, Monitoring, and Sampling; and the associated Professional Qualifications in 9.7) and ( Hazmat Technician - Detection, Monitoring, and Sampling; and the associated Professional Qualifications in 11.2.2).